Three Cost Effective Advertising Platforms

Three Cost Effective Advertising Platforms

Digital advertising is a great way to quickly & cheaply reach new audiences! There are so many different advertising platforms to try out, from Youtube to Facebook. When in doubt of which ones to pick, it can also be handy to try setting aside a small budget and testing out multiple platforms! Today let’s go over some of the easiest & most cost effective digital ad tools and advertising platforms there are.

What do You Need to Brand Your Business

What do You Need to Brand Your Business

Recognizability is what gives a company a definitive “brand”. Building this recognition takes not only providing a unique product or service, but also an effort to keep how your business presents themself consistent. This consistency means sticking strictly to a set of design choices associated with your company, like font choice, color palette, or specific shapes you associate with your brand.

What is Copywriting?

What is Copywriting?

As designers we mostly work on the visuals for our projects, creating webpages, advertising layouts, and logos. But sometimes we also write and edit the text going into our client’s projects- so let’s talk a little bit about copywriting and what might need to know.

When to Use Canva

When to Use Canva

Learning how and when to use new tools is a essential skill in our field, so let’s talk openly about some of the best features Canva has to be implemented into your workflow, and some of the drawbacks of using it for designing.