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Jenni Lough Watson trains dogs to use their talents to serve others in the community with #greatdogsknow. She is also teaching the community how to serve (or respectfully not serve) those with dogs with her new program, Service Dog Aware™.
The first thing Jenni had us do was design a new website, greatdogs.com. I was really excited to see that she already had a great logo to work with, so the colors and branding were already established. Next we needed to pick a website structure. When we design websites, we often start with a template. Templates are customizable but are already intended to resize on all devices, so if you like most of a template, they are a great place to start. Jenni chose a design from our Fastlane website service called The Gopher. (See it Live) It shows how different a website can look with customized branding!
How it Started
How it Ended
WordPress Website Design
Website Updates
Consistent and fast updating of any website changes we bill to the minute (includes updates of any marketing materials!)
Logo and Branding
Graphic Design
We provide Greatdogs with any print files they need for any printer they are working with. This includes file types such as PSD (Adobe Photoshop), AI (Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat, JPEG, PNG, GIF, Word, etc. We will work directly with printers to ensure the files are correct.
Some graphic design file types we have created for Greatdogs is logos/decals, infographics, and website artwork.
Infographic & Logo Design Projects
Service Dog Aware™ Decals
Another project we helped with was the Service Dog Aware™ decals. Jenni already had the colors in her branding kit, so we put them to work in these four decals. They speak for themselves, so we will move on to the Service Dog Aware landing page where you can learn more about this program!

Service Dog aware landing page
This landing page tried to drill down on what information the user would need and provide it to them in a way that made sense. See it live to learn more about what Jenni is trying to accomplish and to learn more details about what each decal means!

Free Social Media Images
Get access to our social media freebie portal! We have sized images for Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter. You can brand any of these images for your business or use them for your personal social media platforms. This portal will always be available, and we will continually add fresh new content.
Samples below, and there are more in the image portal. 🙂
Image & Newsletter Sign-Up
Access our free image portal by signing up for free design and marketing tips! If you decide our suggestions are not for you, unsubscribe with no hard feelings, and you can still use the images. Give it a try; we think you'll be pleasantly surprised! 🙂