We are back this week with another awesome Client Spotlight. This edition features Heather Waits with Bloomtastic Flowers & Events. Heather Waits and her team at Bloomtastic genuinely embody the entrepreneurial spirit, and we are thrilled to share her story today. There is nothing we cherish more than our clients! It’s been our honor to work with Bloomtastic. Thank you to Heather for taking the time to answer our questions. 😁 We hope you enjoy it!


Please share a brief description of your business.

Heather Waits:

We help people in Columbus celebrate life’s special occasions with sustainably-grown fresh flowers!


Tell us about your journey to becoming an entrepreneur or business owner.

Heather Waits:

When I was 19, and a sophmore at OSU, Jayson (then boyfriend, now husband) calls and says, “hey, there’s this balloon store in town going out of business and I think we should buy it.” That was 1998. Since then we graduated from balloons to flowers, one delivery van to four, and still love what we do.


Who is your target audience?

Heather Waits:

Men and women, ages 25-55 (so millenials and GenX).


We know you have done some creative business strategies. Was there a particular experience or effort that gave you a surprising outcome?

Heather Waits:

Once we forgot to include our logo or biz info on a postcard mailer. But since we were so well branded with our marketing, customers knew it was Bloomtastic! We printed an extra run–that campaign did so well!


What is one piece of marketing advice that you have found successful/useful along the way that you’d like to share?

Heather Waits:

Consistency really is the key; in the look of the marketing, timing, message…everything.


What is the book or learning resource that impacted you the most as a business owner?

Heather Waits:

“The eMyth” by Micheal Gerber


If there were one thing about your business you’d like others to know, what would it be?

Heather Waits:

It’s NOT “playing with flowers.” It’s real work, lol.


How has the current pandemic affected your business? Have you done anything differently to accommodate the new world climate?

Heather Waits:

Our wedding side of the biz was hit extremely hard and I don’t see weddings coming back to 2019 status for years. So we adjusted HOW we are approaching weddings, offering elopement packages, individual bouquets, instead of all the bells and whistles. We also started offering online flower design classes to help create community and keep people from going stir-crazy during the quarantine.


Feel free to add any additional thoughts!

Heather Waits:


We want to thank Heather for her excellent responses! The Woodchuck Arts team is fortunate to work with such great people.


The incredible thing about the internet is that we can work anywhere! Woodchuck Arts is geo-located in Newark, Ohio.

Email Heather at heather@woodchuckarts.com or call 724-281-0559

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