Art of Nursing Redesign

Art of Nursing Website Redesign

Working with Elizabeth Scala, MSN/MBA, RN, you readily realize what passion is truly about! Elizabeth came to Woodchuck with various project requirements that mandated several different design proficiencies.

Elizabeth’s first project was the need for a web-based course system to support the online implementation of her Art of Nursing annual program. Simply put, The Art of Nursing is an educational program that is offered to nurses around the nation from which they can earn CNE credits. The program needed to be compatible with learning management systems at numerous hospitals, as well as producing availability to individuals who choose to purchase the program. The success of this program required a complicated mode of design and integration including the following:

  • Researched and integrated an online learning management system that allows for individual and group registration. This system also manages the completion of each lesson (or for Elizabeth, speaker interviews) and the overall course
  • The system restricts user access to course content to ensure that content is only viewed by paid customers
  • Administer regular user management and support for all registered users and organizational reporting
  • Created an automated system for full credit course completion certificate generation
  • Graphic design and implemented of the user dashboard that monitors each users course progress
  • Created custom group registration and administration pages for mass registration that assigns users to their organization’s group. This allows for organization-specific reporting on registrations as well as group progress and completion rates
  • Reduced overall costs for program administration after initial implementation of systems by 67%!
  • Continually add optimization strategies to improve user experience and reduce administration costs, including automatic login post registration, single entry interview questionnaires, and text messaging program updates
  • Creation and branding of all program print materials including a program workbook, administration overview, program results reports, info-graphics and course information flyers
  • Created SCORM files customized for hospital LMS systems for in-house delivery of the AON programming
  • Created and implemented an online program referral form that allows users to recommend the program to organization administration generating 36 new sales leads in the first year of implementation
  • Designed and administered an ongoing social media advertising campaign to generate new sales for the AON program
  • Email management and design for AON programming

Elizabeth also required design services for her Art of Nursing website. The update and redesign of this site needed to encompass Elizabeth’s passion for nursing while demonstrating the proficiency and functionality that her business demands.

Other services that Woodchuck has provided for The Art Nursing website are:

  • Analytics evaluations for current website performance.
  • A/B testing for landing and home page
  • Site redesign to match new branding
  • Created pop-up for email sign-up
  • Design of a testimonial slider
  • Created metric program performance charts


The incredible thing about the internet is that we can work anywhere! Woodchuck Arts is geo-located in Newark, Ohio; Caledonia, MI; and Toledo, OH. We serve clients from Seattle, Washington to Washington D.C.

Email Heather at or call 724-281-0559
Email Erin at or call 616-528-2747

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