At Woodchuck Arts, there is nothing we cherish more than our clients! We are always so excited about the businesses and people we have the privilege to work with that we want to shine a light on them and share that with you! With this client spotlight, we are happy to introduce you to Keith Carlson, also known as Nurse Keith. It’s been our honor to work with him on many projects, and we greatly appreciate him taking the time to answer our questions. We hope you enjoy getting to know Nurse Keith!
Please share a brief description of your business.
Nurse Keith:
NurseKeith.com is the clearinghouse for the services and expertise I bring to the table for nurses and healthcare professionals. My business has five arms: 1) I’m a holistic career coach for nurses and healthcare professionals, including resumes and cover letters; LinkedIn and networking skills; interview and job-hunting skills; as well as planning and creating a vision for what’s really desired in work and life in the bigger picture. 2) I’m a motivational and keynote speaker. 3) I provide consulting services as a nurse content expert. 4) In my work as a nurse influencer and thought leader, I was one of the first professional nurse podcasters on the scene and still maintain a worldwide following; and 5) I’m a well-known freelance nurse writer and blogger.
Tell us about your journey to becoming an entrepreneur or business owner.
Nurse Keith:
With previous experience as a massage therapist and yoga instructor, I had a miniscule background in previous (relatively unsuccessful) business ventures. As one of the first nurse bloggers and podcasters, I had a window on the world of nursing and nurses’ lives that informed me regarding what the market might be open to in terms of services. I began closely following experts and influencers in the field, learned from those much smarter and more experienced than me, and built a following through consistent content marketing and use of social media. I learned most of what I know from watching and learning from my aforementioned colleagues, many of whom have since become trusted friends with whom I have highly symbiotic relationships. Speaking of which, the two things that have built my business more than anything are networking and relationships, followed by creating massive amounts of high-quality, niche-relevant content. In the final analysis, it took me about 7 years to get to the point of going 100% self-employed (I’m kind of slow), and it’s now been over three-and-a-half years of flying solo.
Who is your target audience?
Nurse Keith:
My main target market is nurses across what I call “the nursing lifespan”, from nursing students to those heading towards retirement and trying to determine what they’ll be doing in the “final act” of their careers. I also enjoy working with other healthcare professionals outside of the nursing profession.
We know you have done some creative business strategies. Was there a particular experience or effort that gave you a surprising outcome?
Nurse Keith:
Podcasting! My colleagues and I launched one of the very first podcasts on the internet in January of 2012, and it was wildly popular. I then spun off my own show, and while that original show sunsetted after 250 episodes, my show is now past 300 episodes and is doing very well. I don’t work hard to attract sponsors, but they do trickle in nonetheless. Instead, I focus on high-quality content, amazing guests, and consistency of publication. The podcast has led many clients to my door, as well as speaking opportunities. I love podcasting and cannot recommend it highly enough as a way to connect intimately with your audience and truly gain their trust and loyalty.
What is one piece of marketing advice that you have found successful/useful along the way that you’d like to share?
Nurse Keith:
I don’t spend money or time on ads. As mentioned above, consistent, high-quality content marketing of valuable keyword-rich, relevant information has been a key marketing strategy for me. Just as importantly, connecting authentically with my audience and being vulnerable and relatively transparent in my writing, podcasting, and social media posts also helps make my brand — and me — very real, approachable, and relatable to my tribe. My audience knows where I live, what my yard looks like, what my cat George is up to, and how I spend my time. They can see who I am and the life I lead, and they can then connect with me as a human being because they know I represent myself authentically. The best compliment someone can pay me about my brand is when a follower of mine meets me in person at a conference and says, “You’re just like you are online!” and I say, “That’s because I am!” And then we usually hug if they’re open to it.
I very very rarely say “buy my stuff” or post a special or discount. I let my audience come to me. While some might say I leave money on the table, I prefer to grow organically and not by trapping or manipulating people into my ecosystem. I prefer heart-centered, human-level marketing.
What is the book or learning resource that impacted you the most as a business owner?
Nurse Keith:
Hmm. There are tons of books and resources out there that I admire and look to, but I have to say that my best resources remain the personal and symbiotic relationships I’ve developed with other experts in my field and beyond. Authentic relationships are more valuable than any book, tool, or stratagem.
If there were one thing about your business you’d like others to know, what would it be?
Nurse Keith:
That my brand is a “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” entity. I never play games, use squeeze pages, high-pressure sales tactics, or otherwise manipulate my audience. I bring my best self to the table and that’s the main key to my success. I use no formulas other than authenticity and consistent value.
How has the current pandemic affected your business? Have you done anything differently to accommodate the new world climate?
Nurse Keith:
My business is ironically thriving during the pandemic. Nurses need my support on every level: emotionally, spiritually, career-wise, and with fact-based information and leadership on many issues related to the pandemic. I’ve also been booked for paid online speaking engagements specifically about the pandemic.
The only changes I’ve made are keeping my prices flat instead of raising them (as I’d been planning pre-COVID); publishing COVID-specific podcast episodes and blog posts to calm and inform my audience with evidence-based information, as well as informed opinions from myself and my expert guests; and focusing a great deal of my social media on supporting nurses in this time of crisis.
Feel free to add any additional thoughts!
Nurse Keith:
Woodchuck Arts have helped me so much with my business via my website’s ongoing evolution, and I’m so very grateful to Heather and Erin for holding my hand when I need it most!
Awe! We are thankful for Keith too! ❤️
We want to thank Nurse Keith for his open, authentic, and thorough responses! The Woodchuck Arts team is fortunate to work with such great people.
The incredible thing about the internet is that we can work anywhere! Woodchuck Arts is geo-located in Newark, Ohio,
Email Heather at heather@woodchuckarts.com or call 724-281-0559